Sabrina Gomez

A native of California, I credit my career trajectory to being a part of my father’s immigrant experience and exposure to my mother’s advocacy. I was raised on the notion that “talent is universal, opportunity is not” and through my lived experience in the United States and abroad, I have seen this to be true time and time again. My work at Greenway Strategy Group allows me to support leaders and collaborate with organizations to increase opportunities from health and mental well-being to education, so youth and families can thrive throughout the United States.  

At Greenway Strategy

I support education and non-profit organizations with strategic planning through stakeholder engagement, facilitating strategic planning teams, and developing approaches that will expand their impact.   My strategy consultation has focused on community-based nonprofit organizations and higher education.  

Where I’ve created impact

With more than fifteen years in the education and non-profit/social sectors, I have proven results in program design, implementation, evaluation, and coaching. Some examples include: 

  • Advisor, STEM Next Opportunity Fund, San Diego, CA — Alongside a team, I led the Million Girls Moonshot, a national initiative that sought to engage one million more girls with early experiences in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education by leveraging afterschool and summer learning spaces. I supported state leaders from all 50 states in a community of practice to reach more than 3 million girls in five years. 

  • Senior Director, ExpandED Schools, New York, NY.  

  • Middle School Teacher, New York, NY. 

Experiences that inspire me

I am an alumni of the Atlanta Regional Commission’s RLI Leadership Program; New Leaders Council, Atlanta; and an Education Fellow with the Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education. I taught English in Argentina for two years and volunteered with marginalized youth in Honduras for six months. I am a certified yoga teacher and bilingual in Spanish. 


  • M.A.  in International Education, New York University 

  • M.A. in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, City University of New York, Hunter College. 

  • B.A., University of California, Los Angeles