New Hampshire Council for Thriving Children
Greenway Strategy Group was engaged to work with this legislatively-appointed state government organization in New Hampshire to develop an integrated, statewide strategic plan for early childhood through the federal Preschool Development Grant. We designed processes and facilitated meetings of the Council and Strategic Plan Steering Committee including representatives from the state legislature, state agencies, community nonprofits, business leaders, advocates, parents and funders from across New Hampshire.
Conducted a scan of the early childhood system including current performance, funding sources, trends, and gaps
Assessed state demographic and workforce trends
Held focus groups and interviews with stakeholders to gain insights into the system’s strengths and assets, weaknesses and gaps, opportunities for enhancement, and barriers to change
Facilitated an interactive Design Session with the Strategic Planning Subcommittee to craft a draft strategic plan framework
Facilitated Strategy Teams formed of Strategic Planning Subcommittee members and a variety of additional statewide stakeholders to research local and national effective practices and promising approaches, and recommend initiatives aligned to the strategic plan themes and objectives
Facilitated a series of community forums, including a statewide virtual forum with early childhood stakeholders to ensure the strategic plan addressed their needs and opportunities
Prepared a comprehensive strategic plan report to share with the public
The final strategic plan was unanimously adopted by the full Council. The plan includes a statewide vision for early childhood, priority outcomes for children, families, and providers and educators. These outcomes are addressed through five strategic themes that focus the plan, each with aligned objectives and strategic initiatives. Recommendations were provided for statewide performance measures to track impact of the strategic plan.
The strategic plan demonstrated the need and community support for modernization of the New Hampshire Child Care Scholarship program to ensure that more families qualify for scholarships. Subsequent to the strategic plan approval, the New Hampshire legislature approved the Child Care for New Hampshire Working Families Act, which not only expanded child care scholarships but also included funding to support recruitment and retention for the child care workforce. Through this legislation, a historic $60.5 million was directed in the State Budget to support New Hampshire families. Additional legislation provided child care workers with access to the New Hampshire Child Care Scholarship program.
Per the Council’s 2022-23 annual report, “The early childhood landscape in New Hampshire is marked by consensus and positive momentum. We look forward to working collaboratively on our collective commitment to increase wellness and educational opportunities for all New Hampshire children and families.”